Company Profile

Company Profile

Pooja Counseling Psychologist

A counselling services provider is a professional who offers counselling and support to individuals, families and groups. Counselling services providers work in a variety of settings, including private practices, community mental health centres, hospitals, schools and universities. They may also work for employee assistance programs, government agencies or non-profit organizations. Counselling services providers typically have a master's degree in counselling or a related field.

We offer a service provide of Parenting issues counselling, Family Counseling, Relationship Issues Counseling, Student/ Adolescent Counselling, Educational Counseling, Mental Health and Well-being Counseling, Depration Counseling, Addiction Counselling, Anxiety&Stress Management, Learning Disability Counselling, Peer Pressure Issues Counselling, Personality Development Counseling & More.

Counselling wali are leading a many benefits to seeking counselling services. Counselling can provide you with support and guidance when you are dealing with difficult life issues. It can help you to explore your options and make decisions that are right for you. Counselling can also help you to understand yourself better and to develop coping skills for dealing with difficult situations. counselling can be beneficial for both individuals and couples.

Work Experience :- 

Worked as a Female Counsellor in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Lohara, Moga Punjab from 07 th Oct 2019 to May 2022.

Job Responsibilities :-

  • Provide individual and small-group counseling sessions and large-group counseling presentations within classroom and guidance office environments for a school with 530 students. Participate in parent/teacher meetings to discuss and develop emotional and behavioral strategies for students with physical, mental, and emotional challenges.
  • Developed 45-minute Bully-Proofing classes and presented them to each of 30 classes in the building.
  • Facilitated students participating in the Midwest talent search for the Gifted & Talented program.
  • Held orientation for new students and their parents, providing them with a schedule of classes and showing them around the building.
  • Created 30-minute Career Awareness/Exploration sessions so students would become exposed to various career options. Organized a Career Day, arranging for 40 speakers in various fields to talk with the students about their profession.
  • Facilitated support groups dealing with social and coping skills, and conducted needs assessment and program evaluation with staff and students.
  • Designed a survey for students and teachers to evaluate the guidance program.
  • Participated as a team member for the School Improvement Team (SCIT).
  • Performed Title I coordinator duties, planning and organizing initial structure mailings, assigning students to teachers, adhering to budgets, and scheduling classes.